1) I drank a coffee ... I read a book.  a) and b) but c) because 2) Do you prefer apple juice ... orange juice? a) and b) so c) or 3) I like vegetables ... I don't like broccoli. a) so b) or c) but 4) The tram was on time, ... I wasn't late for school. a) because b) or c) so 5) I go to a ballet school ... I love dancing!  a) but b) or c) because 6) We didn't leave on time, ... we were late for the bus. a) so b) or c) but 7) They went on a boat, ... they didn't do any fishing. a) because b) but c) so  8) I was late for work ... the taxi didn't arrive. a) because b) and c) so 9) Do you prefer basketball ... football?  a) and b) or c) so 10) Mam had breakfast ... read a newspaper. a) because b) so c) and

Steps Plus 3 Unit 1 (conjunctions)


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