What interesting places did you visit? Did you like them? - I visited Tallinn and Kaliningrad. I enjoyed them very much., What part of your summer was the best? - The best part of my summer was July. It was hot and I went swimming every day., Did you go to any camps? - No, I didn´t. I was at home., Who did you visit during your holidays? - I visited my aunt in Tartu and uncle in Pärnu., What did you learn in the summer? - I learned how to make model planes., Who did you play with? - I played with my friends who live in the same village., Did you meet any new people? - Yes. I went to my friend´s birthday party and met a boy from Finland., What books and films did you enjoy? - I didn´t read any books but I really liked films about Harry Potter., Did you earn any pocket money? - Yes, I did. I helped my neighbour to water the plants., Did you help your parents or grandparents? - Of course I did. I helped my mum to cook and my grandpa to cut the grass., What was the worst thing that happened to you? - I broke my arm. It hurt a lot., Did you learn any new English words? - Yes. I did. I watched TV a lot and I picked up some new words., What music did you listened to? - I listened to Estonian pop music. , Did anything funny happen to you? - No, nothing really funny. , Did you lose or find anything? - I lost my favourite toy. I couldn´t find it anywhere., Did you take any photos? - I got a new phone and took a lot of photos., What clothes did you wear? - As the summer was hot, I mostly wore T-shirts and shorts., Did you spend a lot of time online? - No, I didn´t. I spent most of my time outside playing with my friends.,


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