1) plasma a) fights pathogens b) contains oxygen c) contains waste products 2) white blood cells a) fight pathogens b) remove waste products c) carries oxygen 3) red blood cells are also known as a) lymphocytes b) plasma c) erythrocytes d) thrombocytes 4) platelets a) form a yellow liquid b) contain haemoglobin c) are involved in clotting 5) oxygen combines with haemoglobin to form a) carboxyhaemoglobin b) carbon dioxide c) oxyhaemoglobin 6) plasma makes up approximately a) 55% of the bodies' mass b) 55% of blood by volume c) 45% of blood by mass d) 2 % of blood by volume 7) which of these is the best description of the job of the red blood cell a) carries oxygen b) transports oxygen from the lungs to the body cells c) provides oxygen for respiration 8) phagoctyosis is done by which type of cell? a) neutrophil b) platelet c) red blood cell 9) A lymphoctye does what? a) produces antibodies b) produces antigens c) contains haemoglobin d) engulfs bacteria 10) a key feature of a lymphocyte is a) it is colourless b) it has a large nucleus c) it has no nucleus d) it has a lobed nucleus 11) neutrophils have a) a large surface area b) a lobed nucleus c) no nucleus 12) The donut shape of a red blood cell is properly known as  a) a triconcave disc b) a biconvex disc c) a pac man d) a biconcave disc 13) lymphoctytes have a) a small amount of cytoplasm b) lots of granular cytoplasm c) no cytoplasm d) no nucleus 14) adaptations of a red blood cell include a) large surface area for carbon dioxide pick up b) a small surface area for oxygen exchange c) large surface area for oxygen exchange 15) red blood cells are approximately what size compared to a capillary a) the same size b) half the size c) very slightly smaller d) very slightly bigger 16) true or false- amino acids are carried in plasma a) true b) false 17) true or false plasma contains glucose a) true b) false 18) waste products in plasma include a) carbon dioxide and hormones b) antibodies and urea c) urea and glucose d) urea and carbon dioxide 19) when released oxygen moves by  a) diffusion b) active transport c) osmosis

FFynone house: GCSE AQA blood cells y10- airplane mode


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