1) Fearful /'fɪəʳfʊl/ a) (Adj) A dark place where it is difficult to see b) (Adj/Informal) Eerie, chilling, ghostly c) (Adj) Jumpy, apprehensive, easily spooked d) (Adj) Frighteningly unreal or unnatural 2) Gloomy /'gluːmi/ a) (Adj) Of evil or harmful appearance b) (Adj) A dark place where it is difficult to see c) (Adj) Jumpy, apprehensive, easily spooked d) (Adj) Frighteningly unreal or unnatural 3) Sinister /'sɪnɪstəʳ/ a) (Adj) Arousing terror; horrifying b) (Idiom) Provoking nervousness or fear. c) (Adj) A place where a ghost regularly appears d) (Adj) Of evil or harmful appearance 4) Bloodcurdling /ˈblʌdˌkɜːdlɪŋ/ a) (Adj) A dark place where it is difficult to see b) (Adj) Arousing terror; horrifying c) (Verb) To frighten, startle or scare someone d) (Adj) Jumpy, apprehensive, easily spooked 5) Macabre /mə'kɑːbrə/ a) (Idiom) To make the skin stand up because of cold, fright, or excitement b) (Adj) Horrible, and involving death or injury. c) (Adj) Of evil or harmful appearance d) (Adj) Causing fear or alarm 6) Ghostly /'goʊstli/ a) (Adj) Frighteningly unreal or unnatural b) (Idiom) To make the skin stand up because of cold, fright, or excitement c) (Adj) Arousing terror; horrifying d) (Verb) To frighten, startle or scare someone 7) Spooky a) (Verb) To frighten, startle or scare someone b) (Idiom) To make the skin stand up because of cold, fright, or excitement c) (Adj) Arousing terror; horrifying d) (Adj/Informal) Eerie, chilling, ghostly 8) Haunted /hɔːntɪd/ a) (Adj) Causing fear or alarm b) (Idiom) To provoke nervousness or fear. c) (Adj) Frighteningly unreal or unnatural d) (Adj) Of a place where a ghost regularly appears 9) To give a fright a) (Idiom) To make the skin stand up because of cold, fright, or excitement  b) (Adj/Informal) Eerie, chilling, ghostly c) (Adj) Of a place where a ghost regularly appears d) (Verb) To frighten, startle or scare someone 10) To give sb the creeps/kriːps/ a) (Adj) Arousing terror; horrifying b) (Verb) To frighten, startle or scare someone c) (Idiom) To provoke nervousness or fear. d) (Adj) Causing fear or alarm 11) To give goose bumps a) (Idiom) To make the skin stand up because of cold, fright, or excitement b) (Idiom) To provoke nervousness or fear. c) (Adj) Horrible, and involving death or injury. d) (Adj/Informal) Eerie, chilling, ghostly 12) Scary /'skeəri/ a) (Adj) Frighteningly unreal or unnatural b) (Adj) Causing fear or alarm c) (Adj) Horrible, and involving death or injury. d) (Adj) Arousing terror; horrifying


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