1) Which party does Donald Trump represent? a) Republican Party b) Democrat Party c) Libetarian Party d) Green Party 2) Which party does Kamala Harris represent? a) Green Party b) Republican Party c) Libetarian Party d) Democrat Party 3) Which party does Joe Biden represent? a) Democrat Party b) Libetarian Party c) Green Party d) Republican Party 4) Which party does Mike Pence represent? a) Green Party b) Libetarian Party c) Republican Party d) Democrat Party 5) When is the election day? a) Nov. 2 b) Nov. 15 c) Nov. 3 d) Dec. 12 6) How many states are there in the USA? a) 49 b) 52 c) 55 d) 50 7) Which state is the latest to join the USA? a) Californa b) Alaska c) Hawaii d) Florida 8) Where does most of the US population live? a) On the east coast b) On the west coast c) In the centre d) On the east and west coast 9) Who was the first president of the USA? a) Abraham Lincoln b) John Kennedy c) Benjamin Franklin d) George Wahington 10) Where was President John F. Kennedy assassinated (murded)? a) New York, New York b) Dallas, Texas c) Los Angeles, California d) Washington DC 11) What is the address of the White House? a) White House Road b) Pennsylvania Avenue c) Texas Street d) Washington Square 12) What is the name of the largest river in the USA? a) Rio Grande b) Missouri c) Mississippi d) Yukon 13) Where can you find the Everglades? a) Florida b) California c) Alabama d) Georgia 14) Which US state is the biggest (square miles)?  a) Californa b) Texas c) Arizona d) Alaska 15) How many major political parties are there in America? a) 1 b) 4 c) 2 d) more than 10 16) Which political party is often referred to as the GOP? a) Republicans b) Democrats 17) Which party in America is more right-leaning politically? a) Democrats b) Republicans 18) Which party in America is more left-leaning politically? a) Republicans b) Democrats 19) Who is part of the executive branch? a) The president b) State representatives c) Mayors d) Supreme court justices 20) Do you have to be born in the US to be president? a) Yes b) No 21) What freedoms does The First Amendment protect? a) Speech b) Press c) Religion d) All of the Above 22) Which of these rights does The Second Amendment protect? a) Freedom of speech b) Right to bear arms c) Trial by jury d) Choosing not to testify in court 23) How many main branches are there of the US government? a) 1 b) 3 c) 7 d) 20 24) How old do you have to be to vote in the US? a) 16 b) 21 c) 18 d) 30 25) Who is part of the legislative branch (where they make laws)? a) The vice president b) Congress c) Supreme Court d) The Police 26) The Bill of Rights are the first 10 ______ of the US Constitution. a) Revisions b) Pages c) Paragraphs d) Amendments 27) Who is part of the judicial branch? a) House of Representatives b) Secretary of defense c) The Supreme Court d) The president 28) How many Supreme Court justices serve at a time? a) 4 b) 9 c) 6 d) 15 29) How many senators does each state get? a) 2 b) 1 c) It depends on how much they pay. d) It depends on their population 30) How long is a senator's term? a) 2 years b) 6 years c) 4 years d) 10 years 31) How many members of the House of Representatives does each state get in Congress? a) 1 b) 10 c) 5 d) It depends on the population. 32) Do you have to be born in the US to be a Senator or US Representative? a) Yes b) No 33) Which of these rights does The Fifth Amendment protect? a) The right to choose not to testify in court b) Freedom of Press c) Those not listed in the Constitution d) Right to legal representation


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