venire - group of citizens from which a jury is selected, jury trial - trial before a judge and jury, bench trial - judge makes the determination of the defendant's guilt or innocence, acquittal - a declaration following trial that the individual accused of the crime is innocent in the eyes of the law and thus is absolved from the charges, opening statements - an attorney's statements to the jury at the beginning of a trial, master jury list - lists of citizens in a court's district eligible for jury selection, voir dire - preliminary questions that the trial attorneys ask prospective jurors to determine whether they are biased or have any connection with the defendant or a witness, peremptory challenge - excludes a potential juror from serving on a jury without any supporting reason or cause, challenge for cause - when an attorney states the reason why a prospective juror should not be included on the jury, statute of limitations - a law limiting the amount of time prosecutors have to bring criminal charges against a suspect after the crime has occurred,


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