He didn't speak to me once. (Not once) - Not once did he speak to me., I don't love her any longer. (No longer) - No longer do I love her., He's lazy but also rude. (Not only) - Not only is he lazy but also rude., I have never seen such a beauty before. (Never before) - Never before have I seen such a beauty., I rarely go to the theatre these days. (Rarely) - Rarely do I go to the theatre these days., I knew little about her reputation. (Little) - Little did I know about her reputation., I had hardly started when he interrupted me. (Hardly) - Hardly had I started when he interrupted me., She didn't offer to help once. (Not once) - Not once did she offer to help., It was very difficult and very time-consuming. ( Not only) - Not only was it difficult but also time-consuming., I have never eaten such nice crab before. (never) - Never before have I eaten such nice crab., He's rarely seen in public these days. (rarely) - Rarely is he seen in public these days., We know little about these creatures. (little) - Little do we know about these creatures., They had hardly set a foot outside when it started raining. (hardly) - Hardly had they set foot outside when it started raining., There's no way I'm going to tell you. (no way) - No way am I going to tell you., The director will never give in to public pressure. (never) - Never will the director give in to public pressure., This door shouldn't be left open under any circumstances. (under no circumstances) - Under no circumstances should this door be left open., I didn't intend to deceive you at any time. (at not time) - At no time did I intend to deceive you., If I hadn't witnessed the experiment with my own eyes, I would never have believed it could be done. (had) - Had I not witnessed the experiment with my own eyes, I would never have believed it could be done., If you require any further information, don't hesitate to contact me. (should)  - Should you require any further information, don't hesitate to contact me., I will never allow myself to be deceived in such a manner again. (never again) - Never again will I allow myself to be deceived in such a manner.,

Negative Inversion practice


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