1) Which word must be on the ....? Have you heard? George Brown has taken .... from Bill Coles as managing director! a) up b) after c) down d) for 2) Which word must be on the ....? I've just taken .... snowboarding. It's great fun! a) up b) on c) apart d) back 3) Which word must be on the ....? I've taken .... a year's subscription to the National Geographic magazine. a) back b) for c) out d) apart 4) Which word must be on the ....? The lecture was really useful, and Helena took .... a friend of mine! a) up b) down c) on d) over 5) Which word must be on the ....? Your mum and mine seem to have taken .... each other. They haven't stopped talking all afternoon! a) over b) up c) after d) out 6) What does 'Take no prisoners' mean? a) show no fear in the face of danger b) fight to succeed, or die trying 7) What does 'do a double take' mean? a) look at something again in surprise b) do something again because you doubt it 8) Match the following phrase with their meaning: the most important thing in an activity or situation a) the name of the game b) big game c) beat somebody at their own game d) the game's up 9) Match the following phrase with their meaning: Someone's intended actions in order to achieve something a) the name of the game b) game plan c) play games with somebody d) big game 10) Match the following phrase with their meaning: spoil a surprise or secret by letting someone know about it a) fun and games b) big game c) give the game away d) game plan

Module 8 'Phrasal verbs'


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