1) whose responsibility is safeguarding? a) parents b) friends c) health and social care practitioners d) managers e) everyone 2) identify 2 actions that practitioners need to take in relation to reporting concerns a) report concerns immediately b) report concerns after a few days c) follow safeguarding procedures  d) ignore procedures and report straight to the police 3) identify the responsibilities practitioners have when safeguarding a) the practitioner needs to protect the individual from further harm and abuse b) ensure you preserve evidence by recording information c) follow your work settings agreed ways of working for reporting the incident d) ensure medical care is arranged if necessary e) promise to keep a secret during a disclosure 4) which Act identifies the 10 categories of abuse  a) the Childrens Act 1989 b) The care Act 2012 c) The care Act 2014 d) Mental Capacity Act

C2 understand the roles and responsibilities in relation to safeguarding


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