1) Fake emails contain: a) Generic greetings b) Spies c) Phishing 2) A virus is a type of: a) Trojan horse b) Malware c) Ransomware 3) In copyright there are two sectors- True or False a) True b) False 4) The two sectors in copyright are: a) Pligarism and infigement b) Pligarism and copyright infrigement c) Plagarism and infrigement 5) What is GDPR? a) Games Donkey Plays Rescue b) Games Dices Pligarism Regulation c) General Data Plays Regulation d) General Data Protection Regulation 6) Copyright means stealing someone's idea and saying they are the creators- True or False a) True b) False 7) Copyright infringement means when you take someone creation without permission and share it with other people- True or False a) True b) False 8) Pligarism means stealing someone's idea and saying they are the creators- True or False a) True b) False

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