1) These trousers are ___baggy. a) enough b) too 2) It’s ___beautiful. a) too b) enough 3) You are ___old to wear a tie. a) enough b) too 4) You are ___ generous. a) too b) enough 5) All these clothes are fantastic, but they are ___expensive. a) enough b) too 6) I think I have ___ shirts. a) enough b) too 7) I just think I’m not good ___ to wear it. a) too b) enough 8) I’m ___ old-fashioned to buy clothes for you. a) too b) enough 9) Her dress isn't trendy____. a) too b) enough 10) This beauty salon is ___ expensive. a) too b) enough 11) My pet is ____ impatient to wait for its food. a) enough b) too 12) Mike's clothes are trendy ____ for school. a) too b) ebough


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