1) I'm so nervous about tomorrow that I can't sleep. I hate ... exams! a) taking  b) attending c) revising 2) My sister went to a boarding school, but I ... a state school. a) go b) attend c) pay 3) If you don't pay attention in class, you won't ... high grades. a) pass b) fail c) get 4) It can be quite difficult to ... good enough qualifications to study medicine. a) get b) study c) fail 5) Sorry, I can't meet you this weekend. I have to ... for my summer exams. a) revise b) take c) pay 6) I think it is terrible that we have to ... such high fees for university or college. a) give b) pay c) do 7) If we do well and ... our exams, we'll have to go out and celebrate! a) fail b) sit c) pass 8) In some private schools, students don't have to ... exams or tests. a) take b) revise c) have


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