1) Where do you go to buy food? a) The Kitchen b) The supermarket c) A restaurant 2) Where do chickens and cows live?  a) On a farm b) At a zoo c) In a house 3) Where do a king and queen live? a) In a house? b) Outside c) In a castle 4) Where do you sleep? a) On the couch b) In a bed c) Under the stars 5) Where do people learn to read and write?  a) At a school b) At a pharmacy c) At the shops 6) Where does a whale live? a) In a pool b) At the zoo c) In the ocean 7) Where do you go to lend a book?  a) The pharmacy b) The Library c) Food takeaway shop 8) Where do socks go? a) On your head b) On your feet c) On your hands 9) Where do you place a cake when you want to bake it?  a) In the oven b) In the fridge c) On the heater 10) Where does a bird live? a) In the sky b) On the roof of a house c) In a nest



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