What is a country? - A country is composed of the group of people, the territory they live in and the laws they have decided to follow., What does citizenship involve? - Citizenship involves duties and rights, such as the right to vote., What is a migration? - A migration is the movement of groups of people from one country to another., What are minorities? - Minorities are groups of people who live in a State but are different from the majority of the population because of language, culture, religion and traditions., Are there any minorities in Europe? - Yes, there are the Rom and the Lapps, who live in the extreme north of Europe, and the Basques, who live in Spain and France., Who is the main representative in a monarchy? - A king or a queen., What kind of republic is Italy? - Italy is a parliamentary republic., Who elects the president in a presidential republic? - The citizens elect the president in a presidential republic., Europe is not a proper continent. Why? - Because it is not completely sorrounded by water. It is connected to Asia in the east., Which is the highest European mountain? - Mount Elbrus., Which is the longest European river? - Volga., Which is the largest European lake? - Lake Ladoga., Which is the largest European country? - Russia., Which is the biggest European city? - Istanbul., Describe the Mediterranean climate. - Winters are rainy but warm, summers are hot and dry.,


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