1) This is my .... a) Nose b) hair c) ears 2) This is my .... a) eyes b) mouth c) hair 3) He has ... hair. a) long b) messy c) blond 4) She has ... hair. a) straight b) curly c) messy 5) I can see with my .... a) b) c) 6) I can hear with my .... a) b) c) 7) Susan has ... hair. a) blond b) messy c) dark 8) She can .... a) jump b) swim c) dance 9) Can she climb? a) Yes, i do b) Yes, she can not c) Yes She can 10) My friend can .... a) do cartwheels b) do the splits c) stand on your head 11) clap your hand! a) b) c) 12) Tomi has ... hair. a) long b) blond c) dark 13) Can he dance? .... a) No, he can't b) Yes, he can c) Yes, he can't 14) Can she swim? .... a) No, she cannot b) Yes, she can c) No, she can 15) He has .... a) long hair b) big eyes c) dark hair

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