1) "Don't put the cart before the horse" really means... a) Don't let the horse break the cart. b) Do things in proper order. c) Don't let the horse run away. 2) "Don't judge a book by its cover" really means... a) Don't form an opinion by how someone looks. b) If the cover is torn don't read it. c) Don't tell someone how to look. 3) "Don't bite off more than you can chew" really means... a) Don't take a big bite of food. b) Don't take on more than you can handle. c) Don't fill your mouth with food. 4) "Don't cross that bridge until you come to it" really means... a) Cross the bridge only if you see it. b) Cross the bridge in a car. c) Don't worry about something until it happens. 5) "Better late than never" really means... a) Don't ever be late! b) It's better to get something late than never. c) It's better to be early than late. 6) "If it isn't broke don't fix it" really means... a) If it's broken throw it away. b) If it's broke fix it. c) If it's working fine don't change it. 7) "Better safe than sorry" really means... a) Better to be safe than to feel sad later. b) Better to be safe than fall in the lake. c) Better to be sorry than safe.  8) "If you play with fire you get burned" really means... a) If you play with fire you won't get burned. b) If you do something dangerous you get hurt. c) If you play with fire make s'mores . 9) "If you can't beat them join them" really means... a) If you lose once, you can never win b) If you can't beat them join them, work together. c) If you can beat them don't play them at all. 10) "Always put your best foot forward" really means... a) Only show your feet if your socks match. b) Only show people your good shoes. c) Always try as hard as you can to do things. 11) "Patience is a virtue" really means... a) Not everyone is patient. b) Patience is a good quality to have. c) Don't wait. Do it now! 12) "Practice what you preach" really means... a) Always practice making speeches in public. b) Do what you tell others they should do. c) Study before you take a test. 13) "These walls have ears" really means... a) The walls are bad. b) Somebody could be listening. c) People made pictures of ears on the walls. 14) "Silence is golden" really means... a) Silence is worth a lot of money b) You make money by being silent c) Sometimes saying nothing is best 15) "We're all in the same boat" really means... a) We're going on a boat trip b) We are experiencing the same situation c) We all own similar things 16) "Two wrongs don't make a right" really means... a) When someone else does something bad, it doesn't mean you can too b) Two people doing a bad thing is better than one person c) You should go left 17) "The squeaky wheel gets the grease" really means... a) You should take care of your car b) People who say what they need will get help c) Making noise makes things better 18) "Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst" really means... a) Bad things could happen so be prepared b) Good things always happen c) Bad things always happen 19) "A picture is worth a thousand words" really means... a) Art should have writing on it b) You should explain your art c) Many ideas can come from one image 20) "Beggars can't be choosers" really means... a) People with no options should be happy with what is offered b) Begging is bad c) If you don't beg, you get to choose what you want

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