1) Which direction will the object accelerate? a) Up b) Down c) Right d) Left 2) Forces acting on an object that combine and form a net force of zero a) unbalanced forces b) contact force c) balanced forces d) magnetic force 3) Which direction will the object accelerate? a) Right b) Left c) Up d) Down 4) Which of the following shows which direction the object will accelerate in this picture? a) 40N right b) 50N left c) 90N right d) 40N left 5) Which direction will the rope accelerate in this picture? a) 20N right b) 20N up c) It's balanced d) 20N left 6) Which direction will the box accelerate in this picture? a) It's balanced b) 50N right c) 50N left d) 100N 7) The sum of all forces acting on an object a) Magnetic force b) Contact force c) Normal force d) Net force

Balanced and Unbalanced Forces


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