1) новости a) the news b) look for c) weather report d) break a record 2) средства информации a) media b) chat show c) cartoon strips d) daily horoscope 3) местные новости a) local news b) documentaries c) find - found - found d) chat show 4) новости страны a) national news b) weather report c) documentaries d) the news 5) новости мира a) international news b) find - found - found c) to score a goal d) local news 6) ежедневный гороскоп a) media b) advertisement c) daily horoscope d) find - found - found 7) интервью a) interview b) look for c) weather report d) daily horoscope 8) прогноз погоды a) daily horoscope b) weather report c) fashion and beauty advice d) look for 9) интересная статья a) TV guide b) to score a goal c) interesting article d) send e-mails 10) музыка a) music b) play my best c) cartoon strips d) fashion and beauty advice 11) ТВ программа a) documentaries b) interview c) interesting article d) TV guide 12) комиксы a) the news b) cartoon strips c) look for d) text message 13) разговорное шоу a) interesting article b) media c) chat show d) celebrity gossips 14) реклама a) advertisement b) media c) interview d) local news 15) сплетни про знаменитостей a) celebrity gossips b) local news c) daily horoscope d) interview 16) советы по моде и красоте a) fashion and beauty advice b) advertisement c) the news d) play my best 17) документальные фильмы a) documentaries b) chat show c) text message d) break a record 18) находить a) play my best b) music c) find - found - found d) the news 19) побить рекорд a) break a record b) interesting article c) international news d) local news 20) забить гол a) international news b) interesting article c) local news d) to score a goal 21) играть во всю силу a) daily horoscope b) play my best c) text message d) the news 22) смс a) text message b) break a record c) interesting article d) national news 23) отправлять письмо по электронной почте a) advertisement b) send e-mails c) TV guide d) documentaries 24) искать a) national news b) look for c) daily horoscope d) chat show


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