What can you do for a friend who is feeling sad?, What do feel when a teache is asking to take a look at your control work?, How do you make an appointment with the doctor?, Why does it take weeks to plan a big event?, What do you feel when the child makes a sound during the movie?, Have you ever done damage to something by accident?, How do you make up your mind when faced with a difficult decision?, What can you make into a delicious meal with just a few ingredients?, How do you take temperature measurements when someone is sick?, Can you make a suggestion for a fun weekend activity?, Have you ever done research for a school project?, What do you do when you make a mess in the kitchen?, How do you make an announcement to a large group of people?, Do you always do your best in everything you do?, Why is it important to take it easy and relax sometimes?, How do you make do with limited resources to cook a dinner?, Do you take seriously the advice given to you by your parents or teachers?.

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