1) Triangles that are the same size and shape. a) Corresponding parts of congruent triangles are congruent b) Congruent Triangles c) Angle-Angle-Side d) Side-Angle-Side 2) CPCTC a) Congruent Triangles b) Side-Angle-Side c) Corresponding parts of congruent triangles are congruent d) Hypotenuse Leg 3) corner of triangle. a) Vertices b) Congruent Triangles c) Angle-Side-Angle d) Leg 4) segment of a triangle. a) Sides b) Hypotenuse c) Reflexive d) Hypotenuse Leg 5) 3 sides of 1 triangle are congruent to 3 sides of another triangle. a) Hypotenuse b) Midpoint c) Congruent Triangles d) Side-Side-Side 6) 2 sides and the angle between them (included angle) of 1 triangle congruent to 2 sides and included angle of another triangle. a) Angle-Angle-Side b) Side-Angle-Side c) Vertices d) Midpoint 7) 2 angles and the side between them (included side) of 1 triangle are congruent to 2 angles and included side of another triangle. a) Angle-Side-Angle b) Hypotenuse c) Hypotenuse Leg d) Side-Side-Side 8) 2 angles ant he side that follows them of 1 triangle are congruent to 2 angles and the following side of another triangle. a) Reflexive b) Vertices c) Midpoint d) Angle-Angle-Side 9) a right triangles are congruent using the hypotenuse and a leg a) Hypotenuse Leg b) Vertices c) Corresponding parts of congruent triangles are congruent d) Leg 10) center between 2 points. a) Hypotenuse Leg b) Midpoint c) Congruent Triangles d) Side-Side-Side


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