1) ... she was an excellent singer, Joanna could not play any musical instruments. a) despite b) while c) however 2) ... I have always liked travelling, I really dislike flying. a) However b) Although c) Due to the fact that 3) ... he is very good at maths, Peter simply isn't interested in it. a) Even though b) In spite of c) In case 4) ... Paul tried to get to the concert on time, he arrived late. a) although b) despite c) however d) nevertheless 5) ... being a great fan of James Bond films, George did not enjoy the latest one. a) although b) however c) in spite of 6) ... my little sister likes school, she's always happy when the weekend comes. a) Even though b) However c) Provided that d) In spite of 7) ... enjoying drawing, I wouldn't want to take art classes. a) However b) Despite c) Even though d) Nevertheless 8) ... I dislike dogs, they've never frightened me. a) On account of b) In spite of the fact that c) However d) Nevertheless 9) She was tired; ............., she decided to finish the project a) Although b) However c) In spite of 10) It rained at the weekend. ............... we had a picnic on the beach a) Even so b) Despite c) Although 11) The movie got good reviews; ....................., it was very long a) Although b) Despite c) However 12) The plane was delayed ............. the bad weather conditions a) since b) owing to c) provided that 13) ................ you study, you should have no problems passing the exam a) As long as b) On account of c) In case 14) .......... being a fantastic football player, he's also good at cricket, squash and tennis a) Even though b) So as to c) Besides 15) He got the job ....................... his prison record a) in spite of b) even though c) whereas

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