1) Which is the best definition of communication? a) It refers to people or groups of people imparting or exchanging messages through speaking, writing, gestures, or even using symbolic forms. b) It broadly describes all channels of communication. c) The raw material fuels our decision-making, enables us to learn and grow, and helps us communicate with one another. d) None of the above 2) What would result if an individual has a set of competencies to identify, evaluate, and use information? a) He has become an information-literate individual. b) He uses information and becomes a literate individual. c) He needs information literacy. d) He is taking the test 3) Kyle wants to reach a vast number of people through his campaign advocacy. What do you think he should use to reach the global community? a) Internet b) Newspaper c) Radio d) Television 4) What are Secondary Sources? a) It refers to any materials you find online. b) Sources often provide data in a convenient form and provide the context of the topic for a frame of reference. c) Sources are created after an event has occurred and are written by someone who did not experience or observe the event firsthand. d) First-hand accounts of research or an event including original scholarly research results, raw data, testimony, speeches, historic objects, or other evidence that provides unique and original information about a person or an event. 5) What source of information can the minutes of meetings, conferences, and symposia be classified? a) library sources b) primary sources c) secondary sources d) tertiary sources 6) Where can directories and yearbooks be classified? a) library sources  b) primary sources c) secondary sources d) tertiary sources 7) Alethia prepared her film review of The Maleficent 2. Under what information source can her work be classified? a) library sources  b) primary sources c) secondary sources d) tertiary sources 8) Which of the following is NOT true about plagiarism? a) It includes other people’s ideas in the paper. b) It uses someone’s ideas in the paper without citing the source. c) It directly quotes a source instead of using one’s own words. d) It is a form of harassment using electronic forms of contact 9) This is what you file when you invent something new. a) Patent b) Copyright c) Intellectual Property d) Trademark 10) Students writing a scientific research paper would first search for information for a specific purpose and make sure that they effectively access that information. What kind of literacy do the students show? a) Media Literacy b) Information Literacy c) Technology Literacy d) None of the Above 11) The meaning of the product is not based on the product itself but on the interpretation of the audience. a) form conventions b) symbolic codes c) technical codes d) written codes 12) It refers to the time and place of the narrative or a specific scene a) Acting b) color c) mise en scene d) Setting 13) Republic Act No. 10175, also known as Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012, serves this primary purpose. a) promotion of cybercrime awareness b) forum for intellectual property services, policy, information, and cooperation c) protection of the fundamental right of privacy, and of communication while ensuring the free flow of information d) provision of definition, prevention, investigation, suppression, and imposition of penalties for cybercrime. 14) This points out that the knowledge and connotations of different camera angles and shots make sense when looking at films and photographs but mean nothing outside those forms. a) form conventions b) symbolic codes c) technical codes d) written codes 15) This is the definition of print media. a) type of media where paper and ink are reproduced in a printing process that is traditionally mechanical such as books, newspapers, magazines, journals, newsletters, and brochures b) a type of media that reaches target audiences using airwaves as the transmission medium. c) a publication printed on paper and issued regularly, usually once a day or once a week. d) None of the Above 16) To which of the following types of manipulation does the “Buy One, Take One " promotion? a) crowd manipulation b) consumer confusion c) celebrity endorsements d) psychological manipulation 17) Generally speaking, networks are faster and more reliable in urban areas versus rural areas and developed nations versus developing nations. Globally, a significant number of people still live in an area that is not served by wired internet or a mobile network. What kind of challenge/problem in new media does this situation show? a) Technological Poverty b) Digital Divide c) Technological Divide d) Digital Inequality 18) The phrases such as "Just Do It" of Nike and "Bida ang Saya" of Jollibee are examples of a) Patent b) Intellectual Property Right c) Copyright d) Trademark 19) This refers to the distinctive knowledge kept by a specific group of people. a) cultural knowledge b) indigenous knowledge c) internet knowlede d) citizen knowledge 20) Individuals who understand the impact of media ensure their posts or shares contribute positively to the online community. They acknowledge the source of their information, use respectful language, and are aware of the potential reach and implications of their content. What kind of literacy do they show? a) Media Literacy b) Information Literacy c) Technology Literacy d) Literacy 21) An interview of a first hand witness from World War II is an example of a) Primary Source b) Secondary Source c) Tertiary Source d) None of the above 22) Cardo is a filmmaker who likes focusing on camera angles and lighting in his work. What type of code is he aiming at most of the time? a) Symbolic b) Written c) Technical d) Audio 23) Being preoccupied with computers, experiencing strong urges to use the computer for any reason, and skipping fun and important events and activities to spend time on the computer are some examples of: a) Digital divide b) digital dyscontrol c) computer addiction d) none of the above 24) Which of the following describes the capacity to read and write associated with the knowledge to determine, comprehend, explain, generate, communicate, and calculate using printed materials? a) Technology Literacy b) Literacy c) Media Literacy d) Information Literacy 25) A candidate for national election uses different media platforms to promote his candidacy resulting in a landslide win against his opponent. It shows the ______impact of media and information literacy. a) educational  b) Economic c) political d) social 26) Kylie wants to do a critique about a survey that was conducted by her friend. What type of source is she going to make? a) Primary b) Secondary c) Tertiary d) Quaternary 27) If you want to make an illusion of a fast movement, what element of motion media will you use? a) Blurring b) Direction c) Speed d) Transition 28) Which of the following refers to how fitting or suitable the text is used for a specific audience, purpose, or event? a) Appropriateness b) Emphasis c) Harmony d) Organization 29) Geraldina was a writer. In her era, there were no cell phones, tv, and internet. However, she was already using a typewriter to create written works. She also sometimes looks at newspapers for ideas. What era do you think she lived in? a) Pre - Industrial b) Industrial c) Electronic d) Information 30) Which does not belong to the group? a) Cyberbullying b) Hacking c) Identity Theft d) Fair use 31) Randy wants to save his files online. What type of platform does he need? a) File management b) Cloud computing c) Presentation platforms d) Mapping platforms 32) Which does not belong to the group? a) TV b) Radio c) Cassette Tape d) Internet 33) Rainier is a gen-x person. In his era, TV and radio were the primary media. What era do you think he lived in? a) Pre-Industrial b) Industrial c) Electronic d) Information 34) What principle of design is being applied in the figure below? a) Balance b) Contrast c) Harmony d) Perspective 35) Which is not a justification for a fair use policy? a) Criticism b) Commenting c) Teaching d) Selling 36) If you want to introduce a product or service to the market, what form of media channel would you use? a) Advertising b) E-mail c) Radio d) Television 37) Porphyrios was a Roman general who liked checking the Acta Diurna for updates about his city. Which era do you think he lived in? a) Pre - Industrial b) Industrial c) Electronic d) Information 38) Which of the following is utilized to shift between scenes? a) direction  b) Timing c) speed d) transition 39) Which does not belong to the group? a) Google Drive b) Dropbox c) Icloud d) Waze 40) Stephanie wants to put an implied meaning in some of the scenes on the film she is making. What code is she working on? a) Symbolic b) Written c) Technical d) Audio


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