1) She is good at: a) DANCE b) TO DANCE c) DANCING 2) He is crazy about:  a) SINGING b) TO SING c) SING 3) They are afraid of __________ in the sea. a) TO SWIM b) SWIM c) SWIMMING 4) You should give up: a) SMOKING b) SMOKE c) TO SMOKE 5) Sam dreams of __________ a popstar. a) TO BE b) BEING c) BE 6) He is interested in __________ new friends. a) MAKING b) TO MAKE c) MAKE 7) My uncle is afraid of ___________ by plane. a) GO b) TO GONE c) GOING 8) We insist on ___________ the dinner ourselves a) TO COOK b) COOKING c) COOK 9) She avoided __________ him her opinions a) TO TELL b) TELLING c) TELL 10) He enjoys ___________ the time of their lives. a) TO HAVE b) HAVE c) HAVING 11) Do you mind __________ me a hand? a) GIVING b) GIVE c) TO GIVE 12) I dislike ________________. a) TO WAIT b) WAITING c) WAIT 13) She suggested _____________ to the museum. a) TO GO b) GOING c) GO

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