1) Halloween is celebrated in ..... a) October b) November 2) A famous festival in Spain. a) The Holi Festival b) La Tomatina 3) The Portuguese brought to Brazil. a) June Party b) Thanksgiving 4) ...... is celebrated on the first day of the year. a) Christmas b) New Year 5) In which country do they celebrate Saint Patrick's Day ? a) Ireland b) Brazil 6) In my town people ...... a traditional festival every year. a) celebrate b) celebration 7) On the 4th of July, the U.S.A. celebrates the ..... day. a) Children´s b) Independence 8) Holi is a festival celebrated by Hindus in India and around the world. It is also called the 'Festival of colours'. Why? a) Because people throw coloured powder and water at each other. b) Because children colour lots of pictures. c) Because families paint their houses different colours. 9) Mandela Day is on July 18th. It celebrates the work of Nelson Mandela, who fought against social injustice. Which country did he live in? a) Japan b) South Africa c) Brazil 10) Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is famous for its parades, music and dancing. How many people are on the streets every day during the carnival? a) more than 1 million b) more than 1.5 million c) more than 2 million 11) In Mexico, the Day of the Dead is a three-day holiday when people remember friends and family who have died. What day does this holiday start? a) March 31st b) July 31st c) October 31st 12) Cherry blossom festivals are very popular in Japan. People have picnics under cherry blossom trees in the park. How long do the flowers on the trees last? a) one or two weeks b) three or four weeks c) one or two months 13) People usually decorate a tree. a) Birthday b) Christmas c) New Year 14) I usually invite my friends and have fun with them. a) Birthday party b) Easter 15) Thanksgiving is celebrated in..... a) November b) December 16) People wear costumes and say "trick or treat". a) Thanksgiving b) Halloween 17) We usually celebrate and eat a lot of chocolate. a) Easter b) Mother´s day 18) Special ways families do things is called . . . a) history b) party c) tradition 19) People exchange cards and chocolate with the ones they love. a) Children´s Day b) Valentine´s Day 20) From what country did we get the Christmas tree tradition? a) France b) Germany



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