1) What part-time jobs are popular among teenagers in Russia? 2) What are the key factors when you choose a part-time job? 3) Do you think it's important for teenagers to work part-time? Why? 4) What did you want to be when you were a kid? Why? 5) What job would you like to do in ten years' time? 6) What are the highest paying jobs in your country? 7) Do you know anyone who works for themselves?  8) Are there any advantages of being your own boss? 9) Where can a teenager get some career advice in your country? 10) What job areas are considered competitive in your country? 11) What should one do in order to get a job? 12) What jobs do you think are the most stressful? 13) How can employees cope with stress? 14) What do people in your family do? Do you want to follow in their footsteps? 15) Is there anyone you look up to in terms of a job?

EGE work - Speaking task 3


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