glistening - The morning dew left the grass blades _____ in the sunlight., hustled - The spectators _____ out of the stadium at the end of the match., fastened - She _____ her seatbelt before the car started to move. , rustling - The leaves were _____ in the gentle breeze., bustling - The marketplace was _____ with activity and noise., nestled - The cottage was _____ among the trees, hidden from view., soften - A gymnastic mat is used to ____ any falls or accidents. , bristles - The brush had stiff _____ that made painting easy., whistled - The wind _____ through the tall trees in the forest., thistle - Be careful not to touch the prickly _____ in the garden., gourmet - The restaurant offered a selection of _____ dishes., ballet - The dancers performed a beautiful routine in the grand _____., castle - The ancient _____ stood proudly on the hill, overlooking the town.,

Year 5.4: Writing words with silent letters (t)


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