毛巾 - máojīn Towel, 毛衣 - máo yī sweater; wool sweater, 帽子 - màozi Hat, 没错 - méi cuò that’s right, 没法儿 - méi fǎr can not; no way, 没想到 - méi xiǎng dào didn’t expect, 美金 - měi jīn USD; dollar, 美女 - měi nǚ belle ; beauty; beautiful woman, 梦 - mèng dream, 梦见 - mèng jiàn see in a dream; dream about; dream, 梦想 - mèngxiǎng Dream, 秘密 - mìmì Secret, 秘书 - mìshū secretary, 密 - mì thick; secret; close; dense, 密码 - mìmǎ Password, 密切 - mìqiè close, 免费 - miǎnfèi Free of charge, 面临 - miànlín face, 面试 - miàn shì interview; audition, 描述 - miáo shù describe; depict; description, 描写 - miáoxiě describe, 名牌儿 - míng páir famous brand, 名片 - míngpiàn business card, 名人 - míng rén celebrity; famous person, 摸 - mō feel, 模特儿 - mó tèr model, 模型 - móxíng Model, 末 - mò end; last; final stage, 默默 - mòmò silently, 哪怕 - nǎpà even if, 哪 - nǎ which, 男女 - nán nǚ men and women; male and female, 男士 - nán shì man, 难免 - nánmiǎn Unavoidable, 脑袋 - nǎodai head, 闹 - nào noisy; make a noise; suffer; be troubled, 闹钟 - nào zhōng alarm clock, 内部 - nèibù interior, 内科 - nèikē Internal medicine, 能干 - nénggàn capable, 宁静 - níng jìng peaceful; tranquil; quiet, 浓 - nóng strong, 女士 - nǚshì Ma’am, 暖气 - nuǎn qì central heating; heating; heater, 拍照 - pāi zhào take a picture; photograph, 排列 - páiliè array, 牌 - pái brand; cards; plate; tablet, 盘(名、量) - pán tray; plate; dish; current price; game; set; (measure word), 盘子 - pánzi plate, 胖子 - pàng zi fat person; fatty, 培训 - péixùn Train, 培训班 - péi xùn bān training class, 培养 - péiyǎng culture, 培育 - péiyù Cultivation, 批(动) - pī criticize; batch, 批(量) - pī (measure word), 片面 - piànmiàn one-sided, 品质 - pǐnzhì quality, 平方 - píngfāng square, 平静 - píngjìng calm, 平均 - píngjūn Average, 平稳 - píng wěn smooth; steady, 迫切 - pòqiè urgent, 破产 - pòchǎn bankruptcy, 妻子 - qīzi Wife, 期待 - qīdài expect; look forward to, 期间 - qījiān Period, 期末 - qī mò end of term, 期限 - qīxiàn term, 期中 - qī zhōng midterm, 其余 - qíyú Rest, 企业 - qǐyè enterprise, 气球 - qì qiú balloon, 汽水 - qì shuǐ soda; soda water; aerated water; sparkling water, 汽油 - qìyóu gasoline, 器官 - qìguān organ, 前头 - qián tou front; thereinbefore, 前途 - qiántú future, 浅 - qiǎn shallow, 巧克力 - qiǎokèlì Chocolates, 切 - qiē cut, 亲爱 - qīn’ài Dear, 亲密 - qīnmì close, 青春 - qīngchūn Youth, 轻松 - qīngsōng Relaxed, 轻易 - qīngyì easily, 清醒 - qīngxǐng Sober, 情景 - qíngjǐng scene, 穷 - qióng poor, 穷人 - qióng rén poor people; the poor, 秋季 - qiū jì autumn; fall, 趋势 - qūshì trend, 圈 - quān circle, 权利 - quánlì Right, 却 - què but, 确认 - quèrèn confirm, 然而 - rán’ér however, 燃料 - rán liào fuel, 燃烧 - ránshāo burning, 热闹 - rènao lively,

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