A: Chimpanzee, on average is as tall as human child., house is being built in my neighbourhood. The house will have two floors., new film is showing at the cinema. It's called "Spiderman: No way home", An: Asian elephant from any herd can weigh on average 6,000 kgs, The: capital city of New Zealand is Wellington, dog that my neighbour owns is very aggressive., Asian elephant is smaller than the African elephant., Himalayas are a mountain range in Asia, Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world, Suez canal is very wide, U.S.A is made up of 51 states., moon orbits our planet, cat outside won't shut up., No article: Amphibians live in the water and on land, Lizards like hot temperatures, Mount Blanc is a mountain in Europe, Lake Como is a beautiful place in Italy, Spain is a country in South Western Europe, Peru is home to Macchu Pichu., Dogs have been helpful for mankind since prehistory,


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