1) What does being assertive mean? a) saying what you feel b) letting someone snatch things off you c) hiding in the back of the classroom d) not joining in 2) what does aggressive mean ? a) singing b) slamming doors c) dancing d) Laughing and smiling 3) What does passive mean ? a) not asking for help b) doing things you want to do c) not letting some one take advantage of you  d) knowing the answer  4) what does helping my community mean? a) Picking up litter b) being mean to people c) not helping others d) throwing rubbish on the ground 5) What is Teens and Toddlers about? a) Learning Maths b) interpersonal skills c) Learning to speak French d) Cooking skills 6) What is a positive quality ? a) being false b) disrespectful c) empathy d) uncaring  7) What is good self esteem? a) say "I'm ugly" b) saying "I can do it"! c) thinking I cant do it d) thinking " they are better than me" 8) What happens when you feel supported and encouraged? a) you feel fed up b) you feel a failure c) you cant do your work d) You will be successful! 9) What is an example of verbal communication ? a) texting b) speaking on the phone c) email d) waving 10) What is an example of non-verbal communication? a) Talking on the phone b) face to face conversation c) Texting d) leaving a voice mail 11) What is risky behaviour? a) Talking to my parents/carers b) accepting a drink of my teacher c) Accepting a tablet of a nurse d) Talking to strangers 12) What is a support network? a) Family/Teachers  b) Strangers c) TikTok followers d) Facebook friends

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