1) There were two ________________against Galileo. a) punishments b) courts c) trials d) enemies 2) In 1633, the Pope ordered Galileo to be _______________ in a church court in Rome.   a) tried b) punished c) condemned d) sentenced 3) Galileo was ________________ by the Catholic inquisition. a) condemned b) imprisonment c) avoided d) offended 4) Galileo was sentenced to _______________________. a) court b) trial c) prison d) imprisonment 5) To ______________ the punishment he had to read out the words that said that the Sun went round the Earth.  a) condemn b) sentence c) avoid d) trial 6) He had to wear a robe to show he was sorry for __________________the church.  a) punishing b) offending c) avoiding d) imprisoning

Galileo Prosecuted


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