: I could swear (p.1), bitter (p.1), a foreign land (p.2), our lives may be dull (p.2), Her interest in other people was like a disease (p.3), Lay my table for two. (p.5), The sailors were cheerful, (p.6), They were careless as the wind. (p.6), scorn (p.8), What is the difference between 'wonder' and 'wander' (p.15)?, to make an effort (p.10), to quarrel (p.13), never mind (p.14), What is he doing? (p.15), foolish (p.16), a steep path (p.17), to mind (doing sth) (p.20), to lead (us away from it) p. 22, the madhouse (p. 23), awkward (p.25), Who was looking for these?, sporting (adj) (p.25), thief (p.26), buried (v, pp (p.27), to blame (someone for sth) p.28, fancy-dress party, speechless (p.34), a marriage that had failed (p.36), He can't bear that empty house (p.36), (p.36) What is this?, the books are getting spoilt, the diver (p.37), to spare someone's feelings (p. 40), I couldn't stand it... (p.41), do sth on purpose (p.41), a heavy drinker, Maxim was sheltered by the cliffs., the boat was sinking (p.52), decayed (adj) (p.53), relief, to tremble, alike (adj), What is this? (c_ _ _ _ _ _), deserted (adj), inquiry (n) (vb: to inquire) p.60) , inquiry ((n) p.60), damaged (pp) p.62), sink (sank, sunk) (vb) p.62), doubt (vb, n) p.63), remains (n) p.64), faint (vb) p.64), duty (n) p.64), they were all in the dark (p.67), get rid of Favell (p.68), you put up with Max (p.69), you don't give in to anyone (p.69),

REBECCA (D. du Maurier): VOCAB LIST: What do you remember?


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