1) The book belongs to ....... a) me b) my c) mine d) mind 2) The new car is ........ a) her b) i c) hers d) me 3) The old house is .......... a) they b) them c) you d) theirs 4) The gift is ....... a) me b) mine c) mining d) mind 5) the beautiful painting is ......... a) his b) him c) her d) you 6) the new phone is .......... a) me b) i c) yours d) you 7) This is ........... favorite book a) my b) me c) mine d) ours 8) That is .......... favorite dress a) her b) hers c) he's d) he 9) the new bike is ......... a) his b) you c) saya d) her 10) The beautiful flowers are ..... a) her is b) her c) hers d) my



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