1) Welcome .............the neighborhood. -Thank you. a) to b) in c) on 2) These ............. my children. a) am b) is c) are 3) Thank you for the ............. . a) invite b) invitation c) invention 4) Are you nervous ............. tomorrow? a) about b) at c) for 5) You will ............. new friends very quickly. a) take b) make c) create 6) There is a free seat ............. the window. a) by b) in c) on 7) Do you have any ............. ? -Yes, I have two brothers. a) siblings b) cousins c) parents 8) I would like to ............. a swimming club. a) play b) train c) join 9) ............. are you from? -I am from UK. a) When b) Where c) Who 10) ............. to meet you. a) Nice b) Sad c) Good


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