1) Would you ever _____ a lie if it could help someone? a) say b) tell c) speak 2) Sarah can _____ Italian perffectly because she lived in Italy for 10 years. a) talk b) tell c) speak 3) Mark was tired when he got home, so he _____ goodnight to everyone and went straight to bed. a) ask b) said c) told 4) Now I have social media, I don't _____ to my friends very often on the phone. a) talk b) ask c) say 5) I was lost, so I went into a shop to _____ help. a) ask for b) ask the c) ask 6) I wanted to _____ I was sorry, but Jordan didn't listen to me. a) tell b) say c) talk 7) Can you _____ me your surname? a) speak b) ask c) tell 8) My coach wants to _____ to my parents about my plans for next year. a) talk b) say c) ask


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