: How many photographs are there in the album?, Was the album dirty or covered in dust when you found it?, Is the album thick or thin?, What kind of pics does the album contain? , Are there any comments under the photos?, Has the puppy been vaccinated?, What breed is your new puppy?, Is it playful or not?, What food does it like to it?, Has the puppy got its favourite place at home?, Why was the present unusual?, Is the present cheap or expensive?, Was the present covered in paper? , Who was the present from?, Was it a birthday present?, Are the shoes too tight or loose?, What are the shoes made of?, Have the shoes got any decorations?, How much were the shoes?, Where were the shoes bought?, Who was the book written by? , What is the book about? , How many pages are there?, Is this book difficult to read?, Are there any illustrations in the book?, How many short stories are there in Chekhov’s book?, What are the stories in the book called? , Is this book interesting to read? , What’s the most interesting story in the book?, Are any stories in the book thought-provoking?, Does this book describe any important historical events in the history of England?, When was this book published? , Is the book illustrated?, What prominent English people does the book mention?, Why is the book worth reading?, How does the book define happiness in a few words?, How many chapters are there?, Who’s the author of the book?, Has it got a hard or a soft cover?, Is the book interesting to read?, Is the plot of the novel captivating?, Who are the main characters of the novel? , Is the novel written in English?, What’s the novel called?, Is it a love story?, What kind of audiobooks interest you?, Are audiobooks voiced by professionals? , Why are audiobooks better than paper books?, Where can they be downloaded from free of charge?, What device can they be played with?, When was the film released?, Was the film full of special effects?, Did the film have an unforgettable soundtrack? , Was it an action thriller or a horror film?, Did the film end unexpectedly? , Was it a comedy film?, How often is the TV show on? Does the show come out weekly?, Is it a game show or a chat show?, Is it a reality show? , Who’s the host of the TV show?, Who is your sister getting married to? , Is it her first marriage? , Is your sister engaged? , Who is your sister in love with?, Is your sister planning to have a child? , What’s your uncle’s name?, Is he your mum’s or dad’s brother?, How old is your uncle?, What is your uncle like?, What does he do to earn a living?, How many years is your brother older than you? , What college does he attend? , Does your brother drive a car?, Does he live in the halls of residence?, What are his career plans?, What’s your cousin into? , What does your cousin look like?, Is your cousin older or younger than you? , Where does your cousin come from? , Is your cousin a teenager?, How long has your brother been into tennis?, Has he ever won any other tennis tournaments ?, Does he feel proud of himself?, Does your brother play doubles or squash?, What prize did he get for winning the tournament?, Where is the dog shelter situated?, How many dogs are kept in the shelter?, Does the shelter provide dogs with good living conditions?, Are the dogs kept in cages in the shelter or not?, Is it an indoor or an outdoor shelter?, What activities did the youth camp offer?, Were there any sports facilities?, What accommodation did it provide?, Is it located in the countryside?, Were any concerts or performances organised there?, What kinds of arts does the camp specialise in? , Are musical instruments taught there? , Is staying there free of charge? , What skills are required to go there? , What’s the minimum age to go there?,

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