: How creative are you? Do you have creative people in your family or among your friends?, How can companies make their job offers more attractive in this day and age?, Are you a persuasive person? Do you know any persuasive people?, What are some behaviours that can be destructive in a relationship or a friendship?, Do you find swearing offensive? Why/why not?, How can we make housing more affordable in NZ? Is housing more affordable in your country of origin?, Do you have any tips for packing breakable things in your check-in luggage?, Are there specific, measurable goals you set for yourself when learning a language?, How do greetings and goodbyes differ between your culture and New Zealand culture? Are they comparable in terms of formality?, How important is it to have dependable friends and family in your life? Who is the most dependable person in your life?, Do you have a budget for your monthly expenses? How do you keep your spending manageable?, Describe a time you felt unstoppable in achieving a goal. What motivated you?, What are some non-negotiable values that are important to you in a relationship?, Do you know when someone is lying? What body language is suggestive of lying?,

Speaking: Adjectives ending in -ive and -able


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