Arab Nationalists : mostly disagree with the mandates because they saw them as a way for foreign powers to maintain control over former Ottoman Lands.They may feel that mandates represent a continuation of imperialism, which went against the goals to have their own governments, make their own laws, and control their own resources., people in the Middle East who believed strongly in the idea of Arab unity and independence from foreign rule, would mostly disagree with the Mandates because they wanted to govern themselves and be free from European control., Jewish Zionists : Would likely agree with the League of Nations Mandates, as it provided a framework for the establishment of a national home in Palestine and support for immigration to the area, fulfilling their goals for a homeland., would generally agree with the Mandates because they hoped the Mandates would support their goal of creating a Jewish state and provide a safe place for Jewish people to live free from persecution., people who believed in the idea of creating a Jewish homeland in the Middle East , refugees from Antisemitism in Europe and the United States, European Imperialists : would likely agree with the League of Nations Mandates, as it allowed them to exert control and influence over territories in the Middle East, aligning with their colonial ambitions and interests in the region., would agree with the Mandates because they wanted to expand their power and influence in the Middle East. They saw the Mandates as a way to control these areas and access their resources, like oil, to strengthen their own countries., Winners of World War 1 and decided what would happen to the Ottoman Empire at the Paris Peace Conference ,

10.2 Part 3 British Agreements


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