Species - A group of organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring, Speciation - The process of dividing a population into two isolated gene pools that change over time until they are no longer able to produce fertile offspring together, Fertile - Able to reproduce and make offspring, Gametes - Sex cells that contain half the genetic material of a parent, Population - A group of interbreeding organisms from the same species, Reproductive Isolation - Any process that stops gene flow between two populations, Allopatric Speciation - Speciation that starts when a population is divided into two separate gene pools by a geographic boundary eg. mountains, Sympatric Speciation - Speciation that starts when a population is divided into two separate gene pools by NON geographic boundary eg. behavior change, Deme - Two populations that are mostly geographically isolated but still have a small amount of gene flow between them, Cline - Gradual change in traits in a species that occupies a wide geographic gradient. The organisms at opposite ends may be so different they are unable to interbreed., Ring Species - A cline that is circular. The organisms at either end live next to each other do not interbreed. , Gene Flow - Migration of organisms between different gene pools, this stops speciation happening., Interbreed - Able to meet and reproduce, Reproductive Isolation Mechanism - Anything that splits a population into two sub groups and stops them from interbreeding, Prezygotic RIM - Isolation mechanism that occurs before a zygote is formed eg. geographical, Postzygotic RIM - Isolation mechanism that occurs after a zygote is formed eg. hybrid infertility, Hybrid - Offspring of two different species eg. mule , Geographic Isolation - Separated by geographical boundaries eg. mountain range, Temporal Isolation - Separated by different mating times/activity times, Behavioural Isolation - Separated by different courtship rituals eg. mating songs, Mechanical Isolation - Separated by different reproductive parts eg. penis vs cloaca, Gamete Incompatibility - Separated by sperm that cannot enter the egg , Hybrid Inviability - The two species can mate and make offspring but it dies before birth, Hybrid Infertility - Two species can make an offspring but it is infertile, Hybrid Breakdown - Two species can make an offspring but its fertility decreases over several generations,
Year 13
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