1) Somebody acts in an entitled way in a restaurant. a) You love the way they are very polite and kind to the staff. b) You are shocked by the way they demand attention and act spoiled. 2) Your cousin turned up on your doorstep at the weekend. a) You are surprised because you were not expecting them. b) You are not surprised because you invited them. 3) You saw someone “die on the inside” on a YouTube video. a) They embarrassed themselves publicly. b) They are obviously very sick. 4) You figured out a grammar rule for yourself. a) You looked up the rule in a grammar book. b) You looked at the language, thought about it and found the rule 5) Someone tells you that you are better off walking to work today. a) It has an advantage over any alternative. b) It’s generally good to walk to work. 6) Using moisturisers is catching on with men. a) They are refusing to use it b) It is becoming popular for them to use it 7) Someone tells you a decision is a no-brainer. a) It’s a stupid decision. b) It’s the only possible decision in the circumstances. 8) I don’t know how to implement this plan. a) I don’t know how to put it into practice. b) I don’t know how to explain and present it. 9) Microsoft Office has a suite of apps. a) It has a group of apps to choose from. b) It has just two apps. 10) Which two of these is or includes a stat? a) 2 + 2 = 5 b) Non-smokers living with smokers have a 30 % increase in the risk of heart disease. c) y = 8x – 9 d) Smoking can increase your chance of heart disease. e) The average full-time salary in New Zealand is NZD 53,040 per year 11) If you gasp you: a) breathe out suddenly b) breathe out quietly c) breathe in suddenly d) breathe in quietly 12) You are in awe of a gymnast’s skills. a) You are jealous of them and wish you were as good. b) You admire them and are amazed at how good they are. 13) The economic recovery is just beginning to take hold now. a) It is becoming established. b) It is now being talked about in the papers.

Meanings: Vocabulary from Are we taking too much time off?


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