1) What is the first thing you do to open Paint on the computer? a) Press the power button b) Click on the start menu c) Turn off the computer 2) Where do you find the Start menu on the screen? a) At the top of the screen b) In the middle of the screen c) At the bottom-left corner of the screen 3) What should you type in the search bar to find MS Paint? a) Paint b) Picture c) Drawing 4) After typing "Paint" in the search bar, what do you click on? a) The Paint program icon b) The "X" button to close the search c) The recycle bin 5) What happens when you click on the Paint icon? a) The computer turns off b) MS Paint opens up c) A game starts 6) Why do we use MS Paint? a) To play games b) To draw and colour pictures c) To listen to music 7) How do you know that MS Paint has opened? a) You see a blank white canvas with tools on the side b) The screen turns black c) A video starts playing 8) What can you do if you can’t find the MS Paint icon after searching for it? a) Close the computer b) Ask your teacher or a friend for help c) Turn off the monitor 9) Which button do you press after clicking on the Start menu to search for MS Paint? a) The spacebar b) The Enter key c) The Caps Lock 10) What should you do after finishing your drawing in MS Paint? a) Turn off the computer without saving b) Save your work c) Erase your drawing


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