1) Worker wages need to be reduced to ensure the offer and demand of jobs for people in Colombia. In this way, economy can grow and improve the life conditions for everyone in our country. 2) Natural disasters are mainly caused by corruption and the bad use of resources which were allocated to the regions. If the government had a better control on this, there wouldn't be so many natural disasters. 3) To promote a growth in economy and agriculture in Colombia, it is necessary to reduce the cost of fuels and promote the use of clean and sustainable energies which not only benefit economy but the environment as well. 4) In Colombia, companies and industries usually need to reduce prices to motivate the purchasing power, but this causes a counter effect by reducing the amount of jobs and therefore the demand of products. 5) Sales in Colombia are a hoax to the consumer because they make people think prices are a bargain but the sale price is usually slightly reduced. 6) Taxes are a way to keep the economy balance. It would be necessary to increase them every year to ensure the effectivity of public resources and improve the quality of life in the country.

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