The main ____, Nate the Great is a ____. One day, when he was eating his favorite ____, Annie ____ him. She asked him to find her ____ picture of her pet, ____. The clues are it is ____. She left it on her ____ to ____ yesterday. And her ____ Rosamond, her ____ Harry, and Fang saw it. First, he ____ Annie's room. Everything in her room was ____. Annie likes yellow and pancakes. But they ____ her lost picture there. Then they went out the ____. Fang is a big dog. He has big ____. They watched Fang run, eat, and bury. Fang might ____ her picture. They ____ in the yard, but there was ____. Then they headed for Rosamond's house. She is a ____ girl with long ____ hair and green ____. She has four black cats and lost one of her cat. Nate found the cat under his chair. But they couldn't find Annie's picture. Rosamond only likes cats and pancakes. Last, they met ____. Harry painted everything ____. All the ____ in his room were red, except the orange monster with three ____. Harry took Annie's picture and painted a monster on the ____ ____ picture. Color was a ____ for finding Annie's picture.

H1-1 Nate the Great Summary


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