Bystander Intervention - The act of a person voluntarily helping someone else., Prosocial Behaviour - Helping behaviour that benefits other people and society in general., Empathy - The capacity to understand and respond to the distress of emotions of others, which often leads to prosocial behaviour. , Mood - An emotional state that can affect our perceptions, thoughts and behaviours. , Competence - An individual's ability to respond effectively to a situation or to perform a task succesfully. , Altruism - A prosocial behaviour that involves selflessness or helping others, even if there is nothing to be gained personally or if there is some personal cost. , Groupthink - The tendency of a group to make decisions based on maintaining group cohesion rather than by critically analysing the realities of the situation. , Diffusion of Responsibility - The idea that bystanders are less likely to take responsbility for helping in the presence of others. , Audience Inhibition - The reluctance of bystanders to help due to the perceived negative appraisals of others (or due to feelings of self-consciousness). , Social Influence - The likelihood that bystanders will be more likely to help based on the reaction of others. , Cost-benefit Analysis - A model of behaviour that suggests that when bystanders are confronted with emergencies, they weigh up the pros and cons of providing help compared to those for not helping. , General Agression Model - A social-cognitive theory of aggression that suggests that exposure to violent video games increases the likelihood of perceiving a situation as aggressive. , Media - Communication through a variety of means to large audiences. , Aggression - A behaviour directed towards others that is intended to cause harm. , Attraction - The ability to evoke interest and attention. , Proximity - The physical closeness to another person. , Reciprocity - The social expectation that you will respond in kind to someone who has helped you or done you a favour. , Similarity - Characteristics that are alike between those in a relationship. , Self-disclosure - Passing of information about yourself to others. , Intrapsychic - Occurring within your mind or psyche. , Dyadic - The interaction between two people. , Grave-dressing - Final phase in Duck's model of relationship breakdown and takes place when a person who has left the relationship attempts to justify their actions. , Resurrection - Learning from the past and experiencing personal growth. , Antisocial - Behaviour that is harmful to others, ultimately to the community. E.g. prejudice or aggression. , Bystander Effect - The likelihood of bystanders helping is influenced by the number of bystanders at the scene. , Relationship - The connections between two or more people. ,
Unit 4 Topic 2 Interpersonal Processes
Year 12
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