The ____ rabbit escaped from the ____ dog ____. I ____ ever have to study ____, but I need to study this subject ____. Taylor Swift sings ____ and plays the guitar ____. The film was ____ interesting, and the plot was ____ ____. It was a ____ pub where you could talk to your friends ____ since there wasn't ____ music in the background. He says he's mature enough, but his ____ actions don't show it. Why does he have to act so ____? The ____ sun made the day ____ warm to go out and walk around the beaches. My mum is a ____ cook because my grandpa taught her ____. Shirley danced ____ at the party and everybody was so ____ by her ____ movements. The restaurant was ____ expensive, but it was ____ decorated. Last but not least, the food was ____ placed on our plates. The antique artifact was ____ well-preserved by its owner and it was in ____ conditions. ____ Kitty, ____ kitty. ____ ball of fur. ____ kitty. ____ kitty. Purr purr purr. His ____ actions sent him to prison. Spending the night there could have been ____.



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