1) Piekarz zaczyna pracę wcześnie rano. a) The baker starts work early in the morning. b) The pastry chef bakes cakes and pastries for the bakery. c) The pastry chef is skilled in making delicate desserts. d) The first cook supervises the rest of the kitchen staff. 2) Piekarz piecze świeży chleb każdego dnia. a) The fry cook prepares all the fried dishes. b) The pastry chef is skilled in making delicate desserts. c) The baker bakes fresh bread every day. d) The cook's helper assists with cleaning the kitchen. 3) Kucharz zajmujący się przygotowywaniem mięsa odpowiada za grillowanie steków. a) The broiler cook is in charge of grilling the steaks. b) The vegetable cook makes sure the vegetables are cooked perfectly. c) The pastry chef bakes cakes and pastries for the bakery. d) The cook's helper chops vegetables for the salads. 4) Kucharz zajmujący się przygotowywaniem mięsa pracuje z wysoką temperaturą, aby przyrządzić mięso. a) The broiler cook works with high heat to prepare the meat. b) The chef de cuisine manages the entire kitchen staff. c) The broiler cook is in charge of grilling the steaks. d) The dishwasher works quickly to clean the plates. 5) Szef kuchni tworzy menu dla restauracji. a) The pastry chef is skilled in making delicate desserts. b) The chef loves to experiment with new recipes. c) The fry cook prepares all the fried dishes. d) The chef de cuisine creates the menu for the restaurant. 6) Szef kuchni zarządza całym personelem kuchennym. a) The chef de cuisine manages the entire kitchen staff. b) The chef prepares delicious meals every evening. c) The vegetable cook prepares fresh vegetables for the meals. d) The pastry chef is skilled in making delicate desserts. 7) Kucharz przygotowuje pyszne posiłki każdego wieczoru. a) The chef prepares delicious meals every evening. b) The fry cook prepares all the fried dishes. c) The first cook supervises the rest of the kitchen staff. d) The cook's helper assists with cleaning the kitchen. 8) Kucharz uwielbia eksperymentować z nowymi przepisami. a) The baker bakes fresh bread every day. b) The broiler cook works with high heat to prepare the meat. c) The dishwasher works quickly to clean the plates. d) The chef loves to experiment with new recipes. 9) Pomocnik kucharza kroi warzywa do sałatek. a) The pastry chef is skilled in making delicate desserts. b) The cook's helper chops vegetables for the salads. c) The chef loves to experiment with new recipes. d) The first cook is responsible for the most important dishes. 10) Pomocnik kucharza pomaga w sprzątaniu kuchni. a) The cook's helper assists with cleaning the kitchen. b) The chef loves to experiment with new recipes. c) The sous-chef ensures that everything runs smoothly in the kitchen. d) The baker bakes fresh bread every day. 11) Pomywacz szybko myje talerze. a) The chef prepares delicious meals every evening. b) The fry cook prepares all the fried dishes. c) The baker starts work early in the morning. d) The dishwasher works quickly to clean the plates. 12) Pomywacz dba o to, aby wszystkie sztućce były nieskazitelnie czyste. a) The chef prepares delicious meals every evening. b) The vegetable cook makes sure the vegetables are cooked perfectly. c) The sous-chef assists the chef de cuisine with the main courses. d) The dishwasher makes sure all the utensils are spotless. 13) Pierwszy kucharz odpowiada za najważniejsze dania. a) The vegetable cook prepares fresh vegetables for the meals. b) The pastry chef bakes cakes and pastries for the bakery. c) The first cook is responsible for the most important dishes. d) The broiler cook is in charge of grilling the steaks. 14) Pierwszy kucharz nadzoruje resztę personelu kuchennego. a) The chef prepares delicious meals every evening. b) The fry cook makes perfect crispy fries. c) The first cook supervises the rest of the kitchen staff. d) The sous-chef ensures that everything runs smoothly in the kitchen. 15) Kucharz zajmujący się smażeniem przygotowuje wszystkie smażone potrawy. a) The fry cook prepares all the fried dishes. b) The broiler cook is in charge of grilling the steaks. c) The dishwasher makes sure all the utensils are spotless. d) The chef de cuisine creates the menu for the restaurant. 16) Kucharz zajmujący się smażeniem robi idealnie chrupiące frytki. a) The fry cook makes perfect crispy fries. b) The chef loves to experiment with new recipes. c) The dishwasher makes sure all the utensils are spotless. d) The first cook is responsible for the most important dishes. 17) Cukiernik piecze ciasta i wypieki dla cukierni. a) The baker bakes fresh bread every day. b) The chef de cuisine manages the entire kitchen staff. c) The pastry chef bakes cakes and pastries for the bakery. d) The fry cook makes perfect crispy fries. 18) Cukiernik ma talent do przygotowywania delikatnych deserów. a) The baker starts work early in the morning. b) The broiler cook works with high heat to prepare the meat. c) The pastry chef is skilled in making delicate desserts. d) The chef prepares delicious meals every evening. 19) Zastępca szefa kuchni pomaga szefowi kuchni przy głównych daniach. a) The chef de cuisine manages the entire kitchen staff. b) The cook's helper assists with cleaning the kitchen. c) The sous-chef assists the chef de cuisine with the main courses. d) The first cook supervises the rest of the kitchen staff. 20) Zastępca szefa kuchni dba o to, aby wszystko działało sprawnie w kuchni. a) The chef prepares delicious meals every evening. b) The chef loves to experiment with new recipes. c) The sous-chef ensures that everything runs smoothly in the kitchen. d) The vegetable cook prepares fresh vegetables for the meals. 21) Kucharz zajmujący się przygotowaniem warzyw przygotowuje świeże warzywa do posiłków. a) The fry cook prepares all the fried dishes. b) The chef prepares delicious meals every evening. c) The vegetable cook prepares fresh vegetables for the meals. d) The chef loves to experiment with new recipes. 22) Kucharz zajmujący się przygotowaniem warzyw dba o to, aby warzywa były idealnie ugotowane. a) The vegetable cook makes sure the vegetables are cooked perfectly. b) The dishwasher makes sure all the utensils are spotless. c) The fry cook makes perfect crispy fries. d) The pastry chef is skilled in making delicate desserts.

POL - Cooking 1 - Unit 2 - Career Paths - Express Publishing


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