1) What are the people who are running for the office called? a) candidates b) representatives c) electors 2) Do you already have to be a politician to run for the office? a) yes b) no 3) What are the two major political parties in the USA? a) Republican / Conservative b) Conservative/Liberal c) Republican/ Democratic 4) Which qualifications must each candidate meet? a) be over 35 years old b) must live in the USA for more than 14 years c) be over 40 years old d) must be a U.S. citizen 5) There can be more than 10 candidates for each party. What happens in order to cut the number of candidates down? a) candidates always go through state primaries b) candidates always go through state primaries and caucuses c) candidates only go through state caucuses 6) What is the formal purpose of the National Convention? a) to register the candidate with the Federal Election Commission b) to decide on the content of the campaign c) to choose one presidential nominee for each party 7) Each state gets a number of voters. What does the number depend on? a) the number of the state´s population b) the area of the state c) it is a random choice 8) How often does a general election take place? a) every 5 years on the first Tuesday in November b) every 4 years on the first Monday in November c) every 4 years on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November 9) What do actually voters from public vote for? a) for the president b) for the candidate c) for the electors 10) What is the Electoral College? a) a group of people called the electors b) a university in Washington, DC c) voters from the public 11) Which group of states has the most electors? a) California, Florida, New York b) Florida, New York, Texas c) California, Texas, Florida 12) How many electors are there in total? a) 538 b) 623 c) 812 13) Who wins the election? a) the candidate with at least 270 votes b) the candidate with at least 312 votes c) the candidate with at least 420 votes

U9 US presidential elections


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