true-to-life - This plot is really...- it could happen anywhere!, teaser - Have you seen the latest James Bond...? This film's going to be awesome!, credits - You need to wait until the...- there's one more scene at the end., genre - that film? A comedy? A horror?, bloopers - I love..., they're so hilarious!, choreographer - Who's this musical? They all dance so well!, flashbacks - This film has plenty of... so it's difficult to follow the plot., flash-forward - There's a scene there which is actually a... and shows what will happen later., grip - A member of a camera crew responsible for moving and setting up equipment is called a... ., outtake - That's an..., it's not going to be used in the final version of the film., premiere - The... was attended by the cast and invited guests., reel - A... is a roll of photographic film holding a series of frames., synopsis - This... says very little about the plot, let's look at the reviews. , zoom in - Andrew, can you...? I need to see the face!, alternate - Did you know this serial has an...ending? , ancillary rights - A contractual agreement being a percentage of the profits derived from the sale of e.g. action figures is... ., art-house film - A low-budget film with artistic merit is called an... ., walk-on - It was a..., he entered the scene and left saying nothing., bit part/bit player - It's a..., she had a minor role with a few lines to say., a stuntwoman - She used to be a.... but had a terrible accident on the set., props - Do you need any ... for this scene? Like a cigarette?, an usher - Is there any ... here to check our tickets?,


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