She was _______ (read) a book when the phone ________ (Ring). - She was reading a book (Past Continuous) when the phone rang (Past Simple)., They were _______ (play) football when it _______ (start) to rain. - They were playing football (Past Continuous) when it started to rain (Past Simple)., I was ______ (walk) to school when I _______ (see) an old friend. - I was walking to school (Past Continuous) when I saw an old friend (Past Simple)., He _______ (cook) dinner while his sister was ________ (set) the table. - He cooked dinner (Past Simple) while his sister was setting the table (Past Continuous)., The dog _______ (bark) while the neighbours were _______ (have) a party. - The dog barked (Past Simple) while the neighbours were having a party (Past Continuous).,

Narrative Tenses


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