1) I made a special coat for my favorite son. Who am I? a) Jacob b) Abraham c) Isaac d) Esav 2) I dreamed many prophetic dreams. Who am i? a) Abraham b) Joseph c) Abraham d) Isaac 3) We threw our brother to a well. Who are we? a) Isaac and Yishmael b) Jacob and Esav c) Jacob's sons d) 4th graders 4) We dreamed dream while in prison and Joseph helped us solve it. Who are we? a) Pharaoh b) Jacob's sons c) Abraham, Isaac and Jacob d) Minister of Bakers and Minister of Beverages 5) I moved with my family from Haran to Eretz Canaan to live in my father's land. Who am I a) Abraham b) Isaac c) Jacob d) Joseph

Parashat Vayeshev


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