1) Do you want some chips with your ...? a) burgers b) ice cream c) mushroom 2) I had a drink of ... in cafe. It tasted of real fruit. a) lemonade b) mushroom c) pizza 3) The ... in the cafe near my house are fantastic. They serve them with salad and ships. a) ice creams b) colas c) chicken legs 4) Can I have a(n) ... after my lunch? a) ice cream b) pizza c) mushroom 5) I like to drink ... when it's hot. a) pizza b) tea c) cola 6) Which pizza do you prefer - margherita or ...? a) mushroom b) burger c) salad 7) Why don't you have a(n) ... with your burger? It's healthier than chips. a) chicken legs b) salad c) ice cream 8) Let's have a bit of ... for supper tonight. We can buy one on the way home. a) mineral water b) pizza c) chicken leg


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